
About US


We have a deep understanding of the RV park and self storage industry and we are committed to helping our clients achieve their goals. Whether you are a new RV park or self storage business owner or you are looking to expand your existing business, we can help you every step of the way.

01. Strategic

You get access to the expertise of experienced professionals who have helped dozens of RV park owners succeed.

02. Professional

You increase your chances of success by having a well-defined plan and a team of experts to support you.

03. Knowledgeable

You save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes.

Proven Success

The Numbers Don’t Lie

If you’re looking for ways to improve your business, hiring a consultant is a great option. We can help you identify and solve problems, implement change, and free up your time so you can focus on running your business.

Years of Development Expertise

RV Resorts Built

Self Storage Businesses Built

USA RV Resorts


A Team Of Professionals

Scott Monroe

Scott Monroe

Scott Monroe was born in New Orleans to Jessica and Lawrence Monroe. His family was in the construction business known as Continental Contractors. Scott was holding a measuring tape at the age of 5 helping his father until his unforeseen death at the age of 13.Being an only child, Scott learned what responsibility and caring for a mother was at an early age.Scott has developed personally and for the family built  42 self storages under the trade names Access Self Storage and USA self storage, over 4 million square feet, AND 13 RV resorts or nearly 2500 spaces, under the trade name USA RV Resorts along the side of his daughter, Lauren. Together they have worked side by side since 2014 bringing the latest innovation and up to date products to maintain a competitive and successful outcome. Lauren is a graduate of Texas Christian University, with a degree in business and fashion design. Lauren’s attention to details is unsurpassed and anyone that knows Lauren will say, she has the right ideas from day one.

If you are considering a consultant company, you are doing yourself a disservice by not choosing Monroe and Monroe. After 33 years of developing they have  decided to offer their knowledge so they can see others succeed. With all the hazards of failure one can never have too much help or good advice. Monroe and Monroe’s mission is for you to win and be successful. Their knowledge from design, location selections, banking, insurance-branding website design and management is second to none. This is a winning team and their mission is for you to be successful and take the doubt out of failure. Failure is not an option.


Lauren Monroe

Lauren has 10+ years in development of self storage and RV resorts. Lauren has a knack for attention to details in ergonomics and also economy to scale. Due diligence is her specialty.Laurens past experiences with selection of sites, zoning issues, dealing with city councils and engineers are what Lauren knows best. Lauren’s past time favorites are traveling and flying her own plane.

Together with her father, they make a team that cant be beat and will see that you, the customer are the winner and that you get more than you asked for.  Your Success is their goal and mission.


What We Do Best

Provide Expertise and Guidance

We have a wealth of experience in a variety of industries and areas, and we can use this knowledge to help you make better decisions about your business. We can also help you identify and solve problems, and we can provide you with the tools and resources you need to succeed.

Bring an Objective Perspective

We can provide you with an objective perspective on your business. We can help you see things from a different angle, and they can identify areas where you can improve.

Help You Implement Change

Change can be difficult, but a consultant can help you make the transition smoothly. We can help you develop a plan for change and provide support and guidance throughout the process.

Improve your Customer Service

We can help you improve your customer satisfaction and increase your customer loyalty.

Help you Grow your Business

We can help you identify new markets, develop new products or services, and expand your sales and marketing efforts.

Improve your Operations

We can help you streamline your operations, improve your efficiency, and reduce your costs.

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